Phone: 7735177669
4455 S King Drive, Suite 100
Chicago IL 60653
When you need to cancel an appointment, please call our office within 24 hours as you will need to reschedule your appointment within 7 working days. If you do not call within 24 hours, or are unable to reschedule, a $50.00 service fee will be charged. If an appointment has been confirmed and for any reason results in a no-show, the fee is $65.00. Please note that if you are running late for your scheduled appointment, your therapy session may be shorter or rescheduled.
For the vast majority of our patients a good insurance policy makes it possible to receive Speech Therapy. Communication Is The Key, LLC is fortunate to have contracts and a good working relationship with most of the major insurance companies in the area. We understand that in order to maintain our contracts with insurance providers we must collect the co-payments, without exceptions. It is required that all co-payments are made at the time of your visits, failure to do so could result in an additional service fee. Communication Is The Key, LLC does not want to cause a burden to our patients’ families; however, we must stay in compliance and maintain financial viability. Communication Is The Key, LLC will submit your medical claims for you after each visit. Please note that we do not bill secondary insurance companies, this will be your responsibility.
Our office works very hard to see that all claims are paid by the insurance carriers, providing them with all reports and all documentation they request. However, there are times when claims are not paid by the insurance, such as when a deductible has not been met or it is not a covered service. In those cases, the insured becomes responsible for the bill and should receive an Explanation of Benefits from your insurance carrier explaining the insurance carriers’ decision.
A few of the common insurance companies we accept:
If you have any questions regarding co-payments, insurance or billing, please email the medical biller and she will be there to help you.
There are many different types of insurance policies. You will need to know if you have HMO, EPO, PPO or POS plan. All HMO and EPO plans require you to be referred by your Primary Care Physician’s office. Please be aware that if a referral is not obtained, then you are responsible for the entire bill that will be due at the time of each visit.
It is important for you to know your in and out of Network benefits, if your deductible has been met and if Speech Therapy is a covered benefit under your plan. We are considered a specialty provider and you will most likely have a visit maximum or limit for visits on your plan. Our services are covered by almost all insurance plans with a few exceptions, as all insurance plan policies are different.
We ask that you bring your insurance card to your initial visit and we will make a copy and verify your insurance. It is your responsibility to know your plan, its coverage and any coverage changes. If for any reason your claim is rejected, you are responsible for the entire bill. If you do not have your card at the first visit, you will be asked to pay for the visit in full and you will be given a billing statement to send to your insurance company for reimbursement.
If there is a change in your insurance coverage, please bring it to our attention as soon as possible. Regrettably, any delay may cause a denial from your insurance company and cause you to become fully responsible for the payment.
We Accept:
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